Wednesday 29 September 2010


For a rainy day I spent much too much time ploughing through another art movement and taking quotes from Robert Hughes, The Shock of the New, 1993. Taking extracts from the pages provided with the task I was able to eek out the relevant aspects of the movement that related to the task question and finished up with over 900+ words. Too much of one movement for one day I saved the file for another day to cut it to size before submission.
I noted the following works of the artists as stand out pieces from two of the artists instumental in the Russion Constructivist movement.

Vladimir Tatlin

Model for Monument to the Third International


Beat the Whites with the Red Wedge
EL LISSITZKY c. 1919, poster 23x19 ins

On a more positive I was able to download a free copy of Maya software after registering as a student on the Autodesk website. After some patient downloading and tapping of serial numbers I have a working, if somewhat slow edition to begin catching up with the basics. 

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