Tuesday 16 November 2010


Presentation to New Media & Graphics groups on Studio AKA & Philip Hunt – 10 slides in total. I decided to incorporate a short scene from the DVD and a short clip from the web. Although I feel the DVD & web clip added to the overall presentation and went to prove the points I was attempting to get across in the slides, they did interrupt the flow of the talk. It didn’t help that each time I broke off the slide PowerPoint reverted back to the 1st slide so I had to click through to where I had got to. Using the smart projector pen helped to click from slide to slide.

Having produced a script sheet for each of the slides I had made I had not memorised them hence I neither followed the script (for fear of reading of a page) & not engaging with the audience nor spoke of the top of my head. Therefore, I imagine my feedback will reflect how I lost my thread at times and maybe veered from the slide I was showing and the talk I gave.
Timing was another factor as I rushed through the end having to curtail the end to fit within the ten-minute timeline.  On further Self reflection I forgot to use the props I had brought in (The two picture books that I used as examples of the work of the artist in question, Varmints and Lost & Found) This I put down to not thinking clearly and not having done a practice run.  Therefore the books just sat as visual props where as it was the relation between the 2d content and the 3d approach of the Director Philip Hunt that I was striving to sell to the listeners!
On the positive side I hope I spoke clearly and concisely and people got something out of the talk. I enjoyed the freedom in this assignment to tackle a subject I enjoyed and to use new media to present. I had not used Keynote software before today and was not aware I could convert Apple Keynote into Microsoft PowerPoint. A good job really!
I await Neil’s assessment of my efforts to help assess my presentation skills and build in future talks.    

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