Monday 13 December 2010


A demonstration in poor time management exercised here on my part. 
Having work still to do on the website & the carpark, both of which needed help from lecturers has left me fighting the clock & the attention of lecturers. Too much time stressing and too little actions led to trying to produce renders on a slow network approaching hand in. 
Wanted to match up the safety barriers in my final sketch design with the model but with my knowledge of Photoshop being limited & knowledge of Maya equally slow left no option but to compromise the 3D model design. Hence we now have polygon pipe work rather than intricate patterned barriers.
With no support today on the web I had to rely on my peers for help to conclude the website design & was not alone in our class. Final ignorance, I did not know how the burning of disks works on a Mac & just how long it takes. Next time my time management won’t leave me on the last train home!

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