Monday 6 December 2010


Understanding the Media
Continued to develop the content for the website. Used Illustrator to create a new artboard to include a new about me page and content for this page to include on the website. Agreed for the logo to feature on each page (top right) on the website as a common thread across all the pages on the site. For each of the areas I have decided to write on IE About/Philosophy/ Work again using the logo over the type face proved to be a good look to break up a page that could be text heavy.
Also, with Marks help created the layout for the page showing my work. This could with time be tweaked to have each layer offer a link to a different project where the appropriate layer active as you hover the mouse pointer over it.
Introduction to specialist pathway:
Revisit the car park
Focused on the central tower and covered how to copy the side to make the 4 sided image by joining the edges and bridging across the four corners to make the tower a solid object. 

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