Wednesday 27 April 2011

AURIGA Texture Progression - THE CHARIOT by ME !

As a change from modelling I can honestly say I've enjoyed the time I spent texturing the Athena character and Chariot. As way of reflecting this I thought I'd post up the before and after of the task.

So below we have the unwrapped, but clearly labelled I must add, blank canvas for the Chariot.
As you can see Paul has done a fantastic job of marking up each section so it leaves me in no doubt what's what in the Chariot and should ensure wooden bits don't end up with metal rivets and so on.

So over to me to go from Photoshop novice to seasoned texture master, all in a mater of days.

What came apparent, is in an attempt to blend the areas the textures meet I've over cooked the brush work with the BLACK and this becomes evident in the finally 3D model once the texture get's applied. 
OR maybe it was driven through an ash cloud before being left over an open fire? Either way the reality is I've got to mark down my initial joy and settle for a 7/10 for effort. 

Anyhow here is a screen grab of the finished article. 

Anyone who may follow my blog, feel free to comment... 

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