Tuesday 3 May 2011

Broadeye Show Diary 1

Tuesday 3rd May 2011

The plan on Tuesday was for the 4 people that are going to collect the cage to meet by the college café on Earl Street and then return the cage to BE301, where all that are helping to erect the show will meet at 10am.

I got myself to college for 9am sharp and met up with Tom, Natasha, Phil & Richard to get the white boards over to the venue in the cages. This was easily done except for the off curb and college security men.  Once we reached the Pie & Ale house it was just a question of getting the boards upstairs, via the Fire Escape. Next, with the majority of the rest of the group we set about erecting the boards with the clasps that accompanied the boards.

As I had collected my final showpiece print I had yet to get it trimmed & fixed on the foam board. Back at college I was able to get together the materials required and set about using the fixent adhesive to mount the piece. Having rolled it out and carefully cut the board to match the A3 print it was done. 

Back to the venue to get the work mounted. Some of the work was up already courtecy of Mark & Neil but all but a few students had stuck around so I helped mount the remaining pieces before having to leave. 
Below I have included my work on display at the show 
Athena&Chariot - Show Mounted

Close Up of Show Piece

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