Wednesday 18 May 2011

Is Darth Vader in a New Media & Social Context Again?

As part of class research we have fast fwd to the last 30 or so years and began to consider the impact & legacy today of some of the movies and video games from earlier generations. At 37 I can consider this genre a big part of my social history, more so than some of the earlier works studied.
One example in particular has cropped up on more than one occassion in my learning and reading on this degree, STAR WARS.
From my ILM research for the presentation on a succcss story, George Lucas & Star Wars has been prominent. Now it's back again with the Focus on 3D Gaming. Jed Margolin was the main programmer  behind the 1st 3D first person game  using 3D perspective graphics. "It was why he went to work at Atari"

Warp speed officially turned into Star Wars project in January 1982, an 18 month schedule then to turn it into an arcade game, but with the backing of the newly formed Lucas Games they got underway.

Star Wars was was easily one of the most famous film franchise of all time and now & again it's influence appears to a modern day audience to help sell, with the help of new media technology, products to my generation of consumers.

The latest incarnation appears courtecy of this tv advert...

 Originally the 3D math allowed any object  and the observer to be in any orientation but they ended up going with vector graphics.  Vector graphics is a term I came across when background reading for Understanding the Media and the programme Illustrator so more and more connections are being made in my understanding of the origins of some of these terms and where they have led us to with currant new media software. What the 3D element allowed was for someone to become Luke Skywalker and play a more 'interactive' role. It's a true timeless piece of history and art.

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