Tuesday 8 February 2011

Flash Demo Day!

Tuesday 8th February
Reflective Practice

Neil gave an insight into the features of Flash as a presentation tool.
It amounted to a speed read of a new programme but gave enough to get a sense of the menu’s buttons & capabilities of Flash. Given we had scratched the surface of Adobe In design & Photoshop the similarities were there to see and although I would want to use such a product for our brief I was glad of the opportunity to use. Not having any Adobe products will restrict my use to class based time but may try to get a home license in time. 

Reflective Practice Report:
Post lesson I have begin to produce the report describing my progress on the Foundation Course to date. The deadline is 27th May but I have brought the word count upto over 600 and will bounce this off Neil before proceeding. Before I can proceed I require the final marks from Term 1 from Mark for 'Understanding the Media'. It's been six weeks now and without pressing I can imagine the deadline will have passed before I know if I have even passed the module's completed so to give an honest assessment until I know would be a little premature. 

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