Monday 7 February 2011

Maya & Woody Dead & Buried

Monday 7th February 2011

A non event was Monday 7th February. 

At 4pm today I attended the funeral of a work colleague who sadly was killed instantly in a road traffic accident last Saturday. To mark this sad event I have dug out one of the many crazy photoshop images that Paul created. He first made the yellow characters during an Easter stick & paste session we had one day when we were working hard ;) Apparently his hard drive was full of these madcap creations and he remains an inspiration to everyone who knew him. 
In Memory of Paul Woodcroft (Woody)

As the license's for Maya have expired too then all we could do was to look at the 2d final designs that were submitted for assessment. 
From these Final designs our class were able to come to a conclusion as to which designs we wanted to feature in the Auriga Redux game. 

See next blog for more.. 

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