Thursday 3 February 2011

Revisit to Pixar

Thursday 3rd February 2011

Professional & Contextual Studies

This lesson did not happen today so instead I used the time to re-watch and write up the blog entry from Tuesday 25th, The Pixar Story by Leslie iwerks- An award winning filmmaker tells the riveting story of the innovative Company that revolutionized Hollywood.
This took longer than anticipated due to the continual pausing/playback/writing up and research that all the elements of the film uncovers. It covers decades of time from the 70’s through to present day and to do it justice took a far amount of time and patience. It opens up huge potential should time allow to explore either the characters, companies, developments in hardware & software and the medium of marrying 2d with 3d which is at the essence of the film. While it was cool to revisit the film for the 120 mins it runs it is two less hours of Maya practice so back to Maya tutorials tomorrow! 

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