Tuesday 1 February 2011

Sellick, Lasseter? Who Then?

Tuesday 1st February  2011

Reflective Practice

No flash today ;( - Due to some projector problems we were not able to get the insight into Flash that I was looking forward to. Instead we worked on our Brief project.
Began to look further and make a decision into which artist I will focus on for the brief.
Although I researched John Lasseter initially I wanted to explore some maybe lesser known artists so looked at Henry Sellick and then branched off towards Leika. I came across Sellick’s work through the film Coraline.

Leika were the studio behind this animated film and in my mind this film pushed stop-motion as a craft back into the main stream conscious and brought Leika & Henry Sellick great acclaim.
Reading on I see that Sellick has now 2010 which pus a bit of a dampner on things. I will make a decision before the week is out and start to look into some serious research and background reading. 

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