Monday 31 January 2011

Maya Unwrapped

31st January 2011
Exploring Specialist Pathway

In today’s session we worked further on the unwrapping of the models. Once fully unwrapped we took a uv snapshot of the unwrapped model, saved it out as a JPEG & imported into Photoshop.
Once opened up in PS we were able to paint onto the layout, making sure we applied the right colouring & textures to the relevant body parts IE: A denim jean was applied to the unwrapped trouser legs, skin on face etc…
Once again the struggle was two fold with the basic operation within Maya & Photoshop being the steepest learning curve and a revisit to PS is a must on my list. I notice a note on the notice board from a guy who is running a group PS course on a Tuesday & Thursday – May look into Thursday as it ties in with Thursday’s lessons. After hours of struggle & working closely with Richard (we appear to be fall under ‘novice’s category). We both ended up with an end result that was quite satisfying. Clearly from Neils reaction the end result was not in-line with his expectations and work needs to be done to bring the skill set upto the level required if I am to complete the game brief. What struck me was how working with Richard, watching one another go through the process helped the process stick in my mind, reinforcing the order of steps to get from unwrapping to exporting and importing back as a texture that works on the character model. 

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