Friday 28 January 2011

University Library Visit / Diversion

Friday 28th January
Self Directed Study

Seeing as I finally made the effort to a) visit the University Library & b) Loan books with the intention to read them I have thought I had better record the fact in this journal. How best to research? Well as I have not yet read Jennifer A Moon, Reflection in Learning & Professional Development, RoutledgeFalmer, 2004, 07494 2864 3 especially chapter 15 Learning through reflection – the use of learning journals I thought I had better find another way of tracing my reading history, be they off the book list or otherwise.
So, in a logical manner I figure I would create an electronic database in Excel that I can refer back to when the load period has long passed and the book returned to the Library. The hope is some of the knowledge gained sticks but should I need to revisit these texts in the future, college or personally I can call up the list of books, buy or re-loan.

Today’s diversion from the reading and study was an online search for a company where my old workkie colleague Thomas Bibb has just successfully found a new job with and who he said were based in Stafford.
After a quick google search I found the company iWeb solutions.
Below are a few screen shots of what they are good at….

And their contact details for when Tom gets me a job with my New Media Foundation Degree! 

The company was formed in 1995 and has an impressive list of clients including blue chip as well as some local talent. I will be signing up to their twitter feeds and checking back on their blog for tips on how to build up a creative blog that inspires others to keep reading! 

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