Thursday 27 January 2011

Lighthouse Let Down :( Wobbly Ancient High House Anyone?

Thursday 27th January
Professional & Contextual Studies

Lighthouse Let Down ;(
Neil informs us that The Lighthouse have pulled out of our proposed end of year show that was scheduled to run from the 3rd – 6th May! As a result we were given a short list of other potential venues who have may have taken previous college organized events or have the exhibition space to accommodate 20 students and their work. I chose to contact the Ancient High House as I know Gill Fox who runs the calendar of events held. After a drop in where by Nicola & myself got to look at the floor space of the two potential rooms. The bigger having a floor space of approx 18x18ft The smaller being approx 12x12foot. There are approx 7 display boards in the smaller room but both are well lit. One phone call later it appears the smaller of the two rooms are available on the dates required. The week would cost only £18 for the week. We could only get access on the morning of the 3rd as the 2nd falls on the bank holiday. Gill will hold the room until I can get back to her next week. 

I also contacted the Chasewater Innovation Centre as I had attended a photographic exhibition and thought the facility was excellent. I spoke to Hilary Foxley, Tel: 01543 370737 – Hiliary explained that unfortunately the week we require is already booked up but welcomed enquiries for future years pointing out that they do not charge to use the space. They have 17 display boards so agreed to feed this back to Neil.

Chasewater Innovation Centre is situated in a prime position at the entrance to Chasewater Country Park and Reservoir.
The Innovation Centre offers visitor information and conferencing facilities and a changing programme of exhibitions, activities and events for all ages.

Chasewater Innovation Centre

For more information contact:
Chasewater Innovation Centre
Chasewater Country Park
Pool Road
Nr Brownhills
Tel: 01543 370737

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