Monday 21 March 2011

Drawing with Katrinka

Monday 21st March 2011

Drawing with Katrinka

Today’s morning session was held with Katrinka whose aim is to teach us, among other things, Scale & perspective.

We started out by having a brief talk among the group to try & establish each persons own background, skills & drawing experience that they bring into the sessions. Surprised: I was surprised to hear that not all the ‘concept’ artists had a traditional ‘art’ history background, Alishia in particular not having studied art at GCSE level, though clearly she has plenty of ability! This was a little comforting given my own lack of any previous education in Art and having to draw on only the person work from decades ago.

Task Set: The task set was to begin at the start and apply some simple fundamental skills to drawing a candlestick and vase. The point being to get the ‘scale’ of the still life items onto paper in their true scale. Measuring and setting up some simple boxes took the bulk of my time and was slow going. The whole session was slow going and will take time for me to work on before it comes naturally.

Monday 28th March 2011
Drawing with Katrinka

Better pace, translates onto paper.

The whole session today was much more rewarding. It helped working in the Life drawing room as it was a better atmosphere and allowed us to focus on the task without outside distractions. The task: Another still life consisting of an easel with draped fabric, a vase & a stool on a table. A marked contrast from the previous week this time the exercise was to be more reliant on what we could see and putting this on paper quickly.
Each piece took no more than 10 minutes with many only lasting 5-6. Different medium. Having access to charcoal, pen, pencil & ink allowed more variety and added to the experience. Praise: It was great to get some praise for the work produced and the only negative is the fact I left the work in the classroom and the next day it had gone ;(

Really looking forward to the remaining weeks and hope to build a lot on this taster session. Hopefully Easter will afford me some free time to get a sketchbook started and get a proper collection of work together. If I’m ever to put a portfolio together then this is the way fwd! 

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