Tuesday 22 March 2011

How to make ILM sound boring

Reflective Practice

Presentation of ILM

Although not on the list to present today I opted to get it out of the way rather than stew on it for another week.
How did it go?
Q: How did you make a company as exciting as ILM so boring? Was the question Neil put to me after my talk.
Harsh? Maybe but I could have gone down one of two routes. I could have included lots of video clips of famous movies, each showing one of numerous state of the art effects that ILM have brought to the big screen. OR I could have chosen instead to try to squeeze all the reasons ILM is so successful into 10 or less minutes. Choosing this option is bound to have cost me marks but what’s done is done and I am left to reflect on my decisions.
Braver in future? Choosing not to include any film clips was probably a cop out as I’ve seen my peers struggle with clips not playing and detracting from the talk.  Also working in Keynote rather than straight into PowerPoint makes any conversion a risk as text formatting seems to go awry.

My own failure was not choosing a subject matter that I chose personally and leaving it late in the day. The company choice of ILM who are so large and has made such an impact means I had to dilute the facts down and so having done the background reading made for hard decisions when it came to editing things down into what were 15 slides. Mary sets the benchmark.  Given the success of Mary 

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